Doing two shows back to back may be for the young! Rosemont was great, loved seeing all our old friends. Bob and Phyllis [The Silver Thimble] stayed with us. Why do we think we can stay up late talking and laughing and still get up in the morning? We all left for Paducah on Monday, they beat us there, we had to stop for a nap!!!! Tuesday was preview night, NO electricity it was dark, very dark. Nothing stops quilters from shopping,thank heavens for cell phone lights. The ceiling above us was glass and above that was 82 degree weather. We now know how tomatoes feel in a hothouse!!! Bonnie Blue Quilts were right across the isle from us, don't ask what Paula and I were doing all day,I'll never tell!!!! The gals from Old Green Cupboard were one isle over, another partner in crime! Didn't get to see much of the show or Paducah; too hot, too tired. Now we're back in the store [it's back together] and planning for Market. Beth has two new quilt designs almost ready, as well as Leanne with one. Stop by and see what's new!